is there a way to support the IEC61850 or IEC60870-5-101-104 communication protocol in the B&R lineup?
thank you.
You can have a look at the B&R Web-Page. There is your IEC61850 named and you can get in contact via a request form.
B&R - Energie
for the IEC60870-5-101 / 104 there is a driver available. It comes originally from APROL but is also available for AS projects. Link to download from B&R Homepage:
IEC60870-5-101 AS driver (V4.05.5) | B&R Industrial Automation (br-automation.com)
IEC60870-5-104 AS driver (V3.01.7) | B&R Industrial Automation (br-automation.com)
You also need a license for it. Get in contact with your responsible sales contact regarding that.
is it officialy released and supported?
ok i wrote a request form, waiting.
To be honest I can nnot answer that. I would guess yes since it is an official download and B&R sells a license for it. But to make sure please ask either also your sales contact or make an official support request via Support Portal | B&R Industrial Automation (br-automation.com)
For IEC61850 B&R supports server functionality running on X20 PLC, client is in plan for this year.
that is great, can you reference it? does it need any dedicated HW? does it need any license?
thank you.
Iām not expert for that. I just saw presentation of it, so I wanted to share it with you. To your question, yes you need license, you need training how to configure it. So please use contact on our web page or contact your local support service and they will connect you to right contact in B&R.
Hi @Ron_Ben_Michel Ron Ben Michel,
It looks like you got some good suggestions from other community members, and it has been a couple of weeks since the last activity on this post. Can you please mark the reply that helped you the most as the solution? Or if you still have open questions on this topic, can you please provide an update?