Industrial Wireless specifically CoreTigo

I’m working on a project that requires a wireless solution, and CoreTigo is a strong candidate. They mentioned that B&R has used CoreTigo for wireless data transmission to devices on ACOPOStrack shuttles.

However, CoreTigo only supports EtherCAT, PROFINET, and EtherNet/IP. The CoreTigo device needs EtherCAT AoE and EoE functions to communicate properly, but B&R’s EtherCAT Master doesn’t support these features. Does anyone know what communication protocols are being used for the ACOPOStrack demo?

Hello Domonic,

As mentioned in the video posted in the Youtube channel from the guys of CoreTigo, I believe that the demo uses IO-Link for the wireless communication.

B&R ACOPOStrak Diverter Demo: IO-Link Wireless for Transport Tracks & Conveying Systems - YouTube

In case you needed more specific information regarding this possibility, you can always contact your B&R local office. They’ll be able to give you some more extra info about that! :smiley:



Hello Roger,

It’s a bit confusing as the CoreTigo device uses IO-Link wireless and not really sure what that means at this point. To communicate to the devices on the other side of the wireless bridge, CoreTigo mentions to use EtherCat or Ethernet/IP and not IO-Link as the name suggests.

Thanks for the video, this does help that this is a plausible way to move forward. Just need to keep pushing for the details. :slight_smile:

Hi Domonic , I marked Roger’s reply as the solution to the question. However, please update us if you discover any additional details that might be interesting for the community.

This isn’t the level of answer that I’m looking for, thought the CoreTigo device uses IO-Link Wireless for the bridge, this isn’t the communication that one would use to communicate to the device itself.

did you get in contact with CoreTigo? Would be interesting to know correct answer.

on their video they show OPC UA is possible, too. But no powerlink.

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Thanks Christoph, that was my first thought but was informed that their OPC UA communications are slow (+100ms) and more intended for monitoring and not control.

It seems likely the best option is to push towards Ethernet/IP sadly, will likely add in a X20IF10D1-1 Eth/IP Scanner in the mix.

Yes, that is true that with OPCUA in general you can not count with a response smaller than 50ms. Did you get in contact with CoreTigo?

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Hi, I am not aware of the details but I know that @lukas.heinrich was creating the demo


Thanks Johannes! I’ve been informed this demo was at SPS in 2021 and uses Profinet communications :slight_smile:


Hi! Yes, back in 2021 I used Profinet communications. :slight_smile: