IPC5000 BIOS Reset

I have a B&R IPC5000 mini computer. I need to reset the BIOS to factory defaults.
I have been having problems with my display going on and off. Always working on startup, but going off when program loaded.
Stupidly, I went into the BIOS, and changed a Display setting. Not sure what to, but I think it had CRT + ??? in the option. I selected this, and saved it by pressing F10.

Now, I cannot get any display, on any of the screens I have available. Obviously, I cannot see anything, to rectify it the BIOS settings.
On newer motherboards, you can short various pins, to reset BIOS, but which ones on a IPC 5000?

You could try this:

Funnily enough, I saw this on the Award website, that made the bios.

Tried it, it didn’t work!

Struggled on this one for ages, but in the end the solution was simple, (as it generally is … , if you know the answer!)

There is a spare pci slot in the unit. I fitted another graphics card in the slot, and it booted up WITH display. Happy boy!. Then go into bios, select load bios defaults, and save.
Wonderful, Wonderful!

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Happy for you and thanks for feedback :slight_smile: This system is even for me ( handsome guy with a lot of grey hairs) really old :slight_smile: