MprecipeCsv taking long time for active to be true

I am using X20CP1584 PLC but the mprecipecsv function block taking close to 10 minutes for the fuction block output active to be true.

Can i know is there any settings to reduce the delay



it’s hard to say why it takes so long, there’s no special setting for that.
Maybe some answers to the following questions will lead us the way to the root cause:

  • how is the processor load of the CPU (you can check this with SDM) before enabling the mpRecipeCsv function?
  • Do you enable the function in INIT or in CYCLIC? If CYCLIC, what is the cycle time of the taskclass where mpRecipeCsv is used?
  • How many variables are registered to mpRecipeCsv, and how big they are (e.g. big structures or arrays included)?
  • What type of file device is used? Local storage on USER partition, or network share?

Best regards!


  1. The CPU Load is around 28-32%.
  2. Function only in CYCLIC and cycle time is cyclic 5 (200ms).
  3. It is a structure type of 16 variables (Dint and Real).
  4. Local Storage on User Partition.


This is my runtime version for your reference



ok thanks for that infos.
I’ve no idea to be honest since everything sounds quite normal.

I would propose to check if there’s a newer 1.xy version of mappServices available and check if the behavior changes.
Additionaly, I would try to execute mpRecipeCsv in a fast, low-prio taskclass with high tolerance setting, for example tc#8 with 10ms cycle time or lower and 30000ms tolerance (which is default for tc#8).

Best regards!

The mapp version is really old. Did you try something more up to date? How many recipes do you have in total?

After i updated the mapp version to 1.70.0, now upon startup the function block for mprecipe change to active true without any delay. Thanks


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