New mappAssetIntEx community library

Since mappAssetInt is no longer supported with AS6, we have decided to develop our own community version of mappAssetInt. The initial version aims to be a direct replacement for the original component, allowing for a seamless transition. Below is an example of the core function block.

The majority of the coding is complete, and our version is largely compatible with the original map component. It includes some extra features and a few minor elements that were not implemented. The trend function has not been implemented yet, but we may consider adding it later if there is significant demand. Currently, I am looking for beta testers that give the library a test run and offer some feedback. If you’re interested in testing the community version, please send me a message.

Happy coding



Cool, thanks Stephan.

This looks very similar to mpOEE, what’s the difference?

Its mainly the type of data that you get. OEE gets you standardized statistical values, but for many productions these values don’t have practical meaning. What they are looking for is asset intensity and this what this library will generate.

The project is now publicly available at

br-automation-com/mappAssetIntEx: AssetInt substitute for mappAssetInt


COOOOOL, Thank you very much.

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