"Orange Box" Is it still being released?

Hi there,
I really like the development components of orangebox, OEE, energy monitor,kpi…
But I only have the ARSIM package now,
Can anyone share me with the AS project about orangebox,
i want to learn about it very much,please.

OrangeBox_Start-Up_EN.pdf (2.4 MB)
This tools was usefully for production line analysis.

Hello @jayD !

As far as I understand OrangeBox was discontinued. There are packages mappOEE and mapp Energy for mapp Services, but we will discontinue them from Automation Studio 6.0. Of course with the current versions packages are still available.
Posted printscreens are done by you?
Thank you!

Hi @Kolma The screenshot is from B&R’s official simulation package of orangebox;
I think mappOEE and mapp Energy are very useful for improving the efficiency of the production line, unfortunately they can not be discontinued in AS6.0, maybe you want customers to develop with APROL, but for me, my lack of interest in APROL is because of the CS architecture.I want to use them within AS.
Thank you.

Orange box was discontinued 31.12.2021 (last time buy). Customers usually have they own solution for that. With mappOEE and mappEnergy is Andrej right, these are not part of mapp6. So with AS6 you have to develop your own solution or stay with AS4.12

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Thank you @kovarj ,
Mr,Jaroslav, is there an opportunity to share the AS project code of the orangebox publicly, I want to do secondary development on this basis and use it for our own production line.

I will check what I can do for you. Give me a time please, there is day off in Austria today :slight_smile:

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hello Mr.Jaroslav, i am still waiting for your reply.
Many thanks.

Unfortunately it is not as easy as I thought. You have to create request to your local B&R support office

Got it, thank you @kovarj

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