I have a plc(AR I04.11) and I used the AS and AS 4.11. It is a new one. I try to set the ip and it get restarted automatically. And it lost the ip every time. I cannot find this I4.11 AR version. Don’t know why. Please help. I used the offline installation and all functions available.
Hello, WeichenLi
Firstly welcome to B&R Community, the Ip issue I believe is caused by the SNMP option, and it’s deactivated by default on 4.11, you can changed it on the ETH configurations
Once the configuration is open, you can change SNMP option to activated
This should allow IP to be seen (is an security reason) once the offline installation is done.
Regarding your other question about AR, which plc you are using? and what do you mean you cannot find it, in web or the upgrade?. Not all version of AR are available of everything version AS.
I expect the AR Version I04.11 is the Boot Runtime on the X20CP3687X which is probably in Boot Mode. This is indicated through the hostname “vxTarget” and the Runtime version.
Can you confirm that the PLC is in BootMode?
In this Mode the PLC has a default Ethernet Konfiguration with active SNMP and DHCP.
This Runtime I04.11 does not support a “Project Installation” thats why the PIL File aborts with an error after trying to execute a “Project Installation”.
From AS-Help:
For SG4 target systems from AR/PVI 4.25, “project installation” replaces the “transfer”.
To implement a Automation Runtime Update to a Version greather than 4.33 before the Installation you can use the following PIL Code. Depending on the Required Runtime you have to direct the command to the correct .s1-File.
ARUpdateFileGenerate “C:\BrAutomation\AS\System\C0490\SG4\ARM\X90CPC49.s1”, “C:\Temp[ARUpdate.br](http://arupdate.br/)”, “”
Connection “/IF=tcpip /LOPO=11159 /SA=1”, "/COMT=2500 /RT=1000 /AM= /SDT=5 /DAIP= /REPO=11159 /ANSL=1 /PT=11169"*
Download “C:\Temp[ARUpdate.br](http://arupdate.br/)”, “SYSROM”
Warmstart “65535”
Transfer “RucPackage_Test_AS49_X90_Config1.zip”, “KeepPvValues=0 ExecuteInitExit=1 InstallMode=Consistent InstallRestriction=AllowUpdatesWithoutDataLoss IgnoreVersion=1”
Michael Bertsch
Yes, it is in boot model after installion failed.
The ip is reset to after installation and restart. So the plc lost its ip and I cannot get it on that.
why you say I04.11 is not able be used for Project installation? I do not know why I cannot find this runtime version on B&R website about this version.
The IP Adress is because the PLC uses a Standard Configuration in Boot Mode where “Get from DHCP” is used. If you do not have a DHCP in Network it keeps the ; You can change this ip Temporary via SNMP but this is not a permanent change, its only stored in RAM.
The X20PLCs have a Build in Onboard Boot Runtime which is stored on an Internal Memory and used when the PLC is Booting in BootMode.
A Cause for this is for example if no Runtime is found on the pluged CF Card.
This Runtime is a very small Basic Version.
These Runtimes are never distriputed, because they are Burned into the PLC in the Factory. For this PLC Type the Version is I04.11. And this older Version of the Runtime does not support the actual “Project Installation” . Back in the Days of 4.11 There was only an “Transfer” called mechanism available.
As i mentioned in the upper Post, you first have to bring a newer Version of the Runtime onto the used CF-Card. This Version must be greater >4.33. The PLC can then Boot this Runtime on the CF-Card and then you can use your “Project Installation” to transfer a Project which contains then also a Static IP- Configuration.
In Addition i would like to mention that the X20CP16-Series have a Selector on the Hardware to switch between Onboard-CF and CF-Card Slot. Please check if this switch is in the correct possition for your UseCase. If the selector is set to CF-Card Slot and no Card is inserted this is also an issue.
If you use the exchangeable Card there is the alternative of useing a CF- Card Reader and an Automation Studio to make an offline installation to bring an runing newer Runtime to the CF-Card.
This is the command I executed. But after reboot, the cpu still have the same runtime version I041.11. And install local project still the same. Reboot and lost everything.
CPU is switch to CF card in the selector
This is what I execute at last. But still the same. The runtime version still stay in I04.11 after restart
Hello WeiChen Li,
It seem the issue remain as CF does not contain a valid AR version and this is sending the PLC to boot mode. So why not try to do an offline instalation with AS or RUC, to create the CF using a card reader and then insert the CF to PLC with the project already installed.
You can do it both AS or runtime utility center
more info
Or with RUC
and create the CF
I try the installation offline. Not working at first. I have a 256M CF card. Any other advice?
My card is 256M. Is that okay?
I think this should be okay as long as your project fits on it.
I try the installation offline. Not working at first. I have a 256M CF card
What is “not working”? Are you getting an error related to the size of the CF card?
I suddenly make it work. what I have done is:
- I screw the switcher to 9 o’clock direction and before it stays in 10 o’clock
- I set the plc to diagnose “5”
After that plc could change ip and ar. I do not know why.
And When I change the switcher to 10 o’clock or 12 o’clock, it doesn’t back to wrong now. I do not know why it is.
The switch only has two valid positions, so perhaps something is loose, or someone forced it into the wrong position before you got to it.
Either way, glad you figured it out! Thank you for updating us on the solution.
So valid position for cf is 10 o’clock? or 9 o’clock?
And I found something.
- offline installation on AU is not working at all.
- I found the cf card is totally not used no matter the switcher pointed to 9 or 12 o’clock.
- offline installation is not working at all
- the other pointed direction is disaster. That make the plc going to I04.11 and losing ip.
- There is no relevant log about the boot up info. why boot up wrongly and ar runtime is running from where, internal or external cf card.
Hi @wihl,
So valid position for cf is 10 o’clock? or 9 o’clock?
There are two valid positions for the memory selection switch. They look to be 10 o’clock and 12 o’clock from the above picture. No other selections are possible or valid.
This thread is getting a little confusing to follow. It sounds like maybe the selection switch isn’t working correctly on your PLC. I recommend you get in touch with your local B&R support team so that someone can work with you directly. Wenbo and Michael have provided you with a lot of guidance, but I think this is getting beyond what the Community is able to help with.
But my plc is working on switching to 9 o’clock
If it is working that is good! Is this issue solved then or do you have additional questions?