PPC50 How to sync PLC time with terminal time?

I have Onlinechart widget with time x axis. I noticed PLC time differs from Onlinechart time. Here is a sample from my sim (wrong time zone is probably an issue of my Windows), but seconds differ the same way. You may say it’s sim issue, but I have the same behavior on the panel: PLC time differs from terminal time, terminal has time zone +0 GMT, PLC has +9 GMT, seconds not equal.

C50 terminal time is automatically synchronized with PLC part of C50. Online chart widget axis time is local time of terminal. I made quick test and for me it works fine.

How is your time output widget configured? should be without binding to show local time of C50 terminal.

Hello Jaroslav, thank you for responding.
My time output widget is binded direct to PLC time. But sometimes terminal Online chart’s widget’s grid and time run out from PLC time. Also I have no idea how to set up terminal GMT zone, I have GMT +0 for terminal, but need +9 as I set for PLC.

To show local time, should be without binding. For me in this case, everytime when I change C50 PLC time, terminal time is automatically updated as well.

PLC time is correct. Chart time is wrong. Or should I set GMT+0 in PLC configuration to solve this issue?

What happens, when you change PLC time and you restart C50, or you change the page? is it time in OnlineChart updated then?

By the way…you claim that difference should be 9 hours between C50 PLC and C50 terminal, but in your printscreen there is one hour difference. Do you have daylight saving on? can you try to set it off. What version of AR, mappView and C80 image do you have?

My screen is from sim device, not from real hardware. This one hour difference is my Windows problem. On the real hardware there are 9 hour difference.

Can you share small sample project with me? I can check it out on my hw.

No, the terminal time doesn’t update, when I change PLC time and update the page. Minute of the terminal doesn’t correspond PLc time. May be there Is there something I forgot to set up in configuration?

Ok, I’ll do it a bit later. How can I share it to you? Is google drive suitable for it? What version of AS do you use? I use AS with these versions

Save the project as a zip without upgrades, should be a couple of kB then. And you can copy it here. The best would be only with hw configuration and one page with Online Chart. I do not need your complete source code with your logic and know how :wink:

On small project sync works. On my project - doesn’t. I think I need to compare config…

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if you need any help, do not hesitate to contact me. I’m open to check project as well, I’m curious :slight_smile:

Hello Jaroslav, here is a project, I made it from my big project by removing all not necessary stuff.
It doesn’t synchronize PLC and terminal time, I can’t find the reason why.
test2.zip (2.5 MB)

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Great I will check it and let you know. :slight_smile:

I tested your project with my C50, AR, mappView etc I have not changed. No issue even if I change time using functionality you have available on screen.

The last thing to check is terminal version. I have 1.2.0 what version do you have?

Thank you for testing, Jaroslav! My terminal’s firmware version is 1.0.1.

can you update? and can you tell me what exactly you have to do to simulate issue? maybe record me short video and share it with me?

The issue is reproduced by test I sent to you before. I’ll try to run it again, record video at first, then will try to update it and will run it again to check if issue has gone.

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