Problem when using MpAxisBasic and ACOPOSinverter - Help needed


I’m trying to use an ACOPOSinverter to controll an asynchronous motor. I already programmed two stepper motors using MpAxisBasic. When I try to do the same thing with the ACOPOSinverter, I get the statusID “-1067278080” and the internalID “-1064239101”. The Help Explorer indicates that there is something wrong with the MpLink. I don’t understand what’s wrong. Do I need something different than MpAxisBasic or do I need an axisfeature when configuring the axis? When using mappCockpit the axis also doesn’t work.

Thanks for any help!

Hi Felix,

Welcome to the Community!

You can control an ACOPOSinverter using mappMotion and MpAxisBasic. Make sure you check the “Advanced” box in Project → Change Runtime Versions and select a version for McDS402Ax:

More information can be found here: B&R Online Help

From that error information, it sounds like you may be using an invalid MpLink. Make sure that you copy the name of the mappMotion configuration exactly, and then pass the address to MpAxisBasic like this:

MpAxisBasic_0.MpLink := ADR(gAxis_1);

Hello Marcus,

Thank you very much for your help! By simply changing the runtime version, the entire problem has been solved.

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