Replacement of LCLiScUINT() function block in AS6

I am trying to convert AS4 project to AS6. I realized that there is no LoopCont - LCLiScUINT() function block existing in AS6. I am doing a scaling or linearization of analog integer values from sensors.
Is there some replacement for it?

Thank you!


Hi Andrej,

Please take a look at Marcel’s answer on an earlier post for some suggestions.

Thank Marcus, but I think that I cannot find same functionality in MTBasics. But just to mention I am rookie at programming. :wink:

Hi Andrej,

depending on what you trying to do here are some options you should take a look at.




MtLookUpTable would also work.

Thank you @marcel.voigt. LCRLimScal() will do the job. I just need to convert INT to REAL beforehand.

Thank you again!


Hi @Kolma

a heads up: when searching for the FUB you might not come across the landing page of the library that contains it: B&R Online Help
→ “This libary is replaced by the Mechatronics libraries.”

I recommend to not use that specific FUB so you won’t have to do it all over again once the FUB becomes unavailable-

Best regards

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