SafeDesigner error - Busnavigator

Lost power to the PC and now have an error when opening SafeDesigner project. Message is “error while reading parameter from the Busnavigator” Safedesigner Project closes after pressing OK. Tried restart of PC and deleted temp files. Anyone seen this before?

Hi, looks like no one has seen this behavior. I think option would be to contact local support and ask for analysis.

There is a File Named “BusNavigator.xostd”

This File is created While Build

And while Opening SaveDesigner

It contains the Information from the Automation Studio Hardware Tree which is used inside the SafeDesigner to Build the Hardware Tree.

In my Test i could remove this Files from the Folder and then Open the SafeDesigner ( I keept a Backup of the Files)

After Opening SafeDesigner and Building the Safe Application the Files were recreated.

Please Check the whole SafeDesigner Application after the Incident!

I did not had your descriped Error, so i do not Know if this is a fix for it.

If it does not help, you can check all Configuration Settings of all SafeModules in Automation Studio Hardware as the contend of the BusNavigator comes from AS.


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Hi Michael
I don’t have the same files probably because it’s not MappSafety. I went back to a backup and re-did the work, so I’m OK now.
I think the issue started when my VM ran out of diskspace.


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good that you could fix the issue! :slight_smile:

Just as an Hint:
The BusNavigator-Files are also there for Legacy-Safety (Safety Release)
I did not Build in SafeDesigner, but after opening there are at least 3 of them.