SFC programming in B&R AS

Hello all.
I like to do programs with SFC, but in B&R it is very difficult.
Do anyone do programming in SFC?
I have some trouble:

  1. When I do search for the variable in SFC logic AS (4.12.5) goes to crash each time.
  2. When I try to follow diagram online and if I go into sub branch and return back all is frozen. I have to go offline- online again to see live information.
  3. A lot of times I can’t delete or move steps together with transition.
  4. and a lot of small things which are making work with SFC uncomfortable.

So , do you have some same experience?

No I don’t see the issues you have reported in my prj.
I’m using AS 4.12.7 AR M4.93

OK Sergei can you update to the latest version of AS? And let us know if it helped you?

Hello Valerio,
I’m using A4.83 version of Runtime.
Should It better to upgrade to M4.93?
What is first letter A or M mean in regards to AR version?

Hello Jaroslav.
I did try AS6 and it seams like improvement done in this version.
Now can search inside .sfc files without crash of AS.
But I still have sometimes crashes if I’m online monitor SFC logic.

I’m happy that you have observed improvement, so you are able to monitor SFC logic. If the problem is not 100% fixed, it might be worth contacting your local B&R office support.

Hi Sergei,
in the help you see more details regarding AR letter and numbers

Runtime overview


Hello Valerio. Thank you very much for info!

Hello All.
Regarding SFC programming I have a problem in 4.12.x Studio that if I make search in files and there are a lot of search result that Studio crashed.
Does somebody have the same issue?