The maximum number of cyclically transmittable RPDO channels reached error

I open a project i was working on (from AS version with the latest version of AS, when i compile i have these errors:

These errors do not occur when i compile the same project with the old version.

This is what the Help says about it:

I tried analzing the xdd file of the import fieldbus 3rd party powerlink device, and also i tried editing the “number” that the help describes, but it seems always set to 0…

Can’t figure out why this happens and why it doesnt on the old version…
Am i missing some new settings on the newest AS?

Hi Martin,

Are all of the errors pointing to one device?

AS 3.12 to AS 4.12 is quite a leap. I’m not sure what these errors are referring to exactly, but it’s pretty common to get a lot of errors when upgrading a project, and some of them tend to be red herrings.

My recommendation would be to first try removing the module causing these errors from your project. Work on any other errors until you’re able to build. Then try removing and re-importing the xdd file via the Manage Third Party devices window, and finally re-adding it to your project.

To make sure you can always review the changes made, I also highly recommend keeping this project in a local git repository as you work.

AS3.12 does not exist - are sure that this is correct ?

I do know that AS4.12 is more strict in terms of checking a XDD file and while older AS versions do allow to configure PDO channels even if the amount in the XDD file states “0” AS4.12 will deny this.
Therefor I do think that the XDD file states “PDOchannels” are 0 and the newer AS4.12 now correctly states that the maximum amount of 0 is reached

sorry, my mistake, i wrote 3.12 instead of 4.12, i meant 4.12

As far as I remember AS4.12.5 introduced a proper check for the cyclic cannels of a 3rd party slave (defined via the XDD file)
So if you used an AS version below AS4.12.5 the amount of defined PDO channels in the XDD was not checked. This resulted in cyclic PDO channels even if the XDD file stated “0”
AS4.12.6 and 7 now give this error as the XDD most lilely states “PDOTPDOOverallObjects” and “PDORPDOOverallObjects” = 0

If this is the case then you need to talk to the manufacturer of the device why the PDO channels are “0” which means no cyclic PDOs are allowed

Thanks, i will talk to the manufacturer and if i find a solution i will let you know.

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