Touchscreen HMI Swipe Scrolling

I am trying to setup a HMI with a touchscreen only interface,

scrolling is being recognised in other browser windows but on a scrollable content on a page, although a scrollbar is present the page cannot be swiped to scroll and the scrollbar cannot be swiped either.

Is there specific functions or configurations to enable this?


Hi Elliot @bowring

could be a few things

A common one is the missing touch-events which Chrome took away some time ago.
Please check out the topics under Commissioning HTML functions used and Configuring Browser explain the interface used.
Also take a look at the Visualization object with Gestures and the FAQ for Detecting swipe gestures

Let us know how it goes!


Hello Marcel,

Thankyou, will do some testing and let you know!

Much Appreciated.

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Got it up and working now many thanks again.

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