We have an analog sensor that seems to be giving an unexpected reading and we are trying to troubleshoot the issue. Is there a way to tell in B&R Diagnostics Manager that the analog input is functioning ok? Would the AnalogInput dot color turn red if there is an issue or if there is no signal? Is 32767 value an indicator that there is no signal?
Thanks and Regards,
what type of analog input (type number) is used and how does its status look like in SDM ? So it is never a bad idea to have a look into the datasheet.
‘no signal’ will probably provide a different value for voltage inputs than for current inputs (or dms, temperature etc.)
Furthermore, most of the terminals provide extra special status information.
Hi Kenneth,
in this case you can read a ‘StatusInput01’ register:
which shows exactly the status for each input:
X20 AI4622 -StatusInput01
Hi Christoph, I will check StatusInput01. Thanks for your help.
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