Use of limit switches for linear axis in manual and automatic mode

I am using the ACP10 Motion library to control the linear axis. I have limit switches at each end of the axle. What is the best solution if I want to limit the axis so that it doesn’t go out of these limits. I want to use Jog Positive, Jog Negative, MoveAdditive, MoveVelocity functions.

Hello Tobias,

you can set software limits slightly inside the hardware limit switches here:

The software takes care that these are not exceeded with movement commands.
E.g. MC_MoveAbsolute to a greater position than “pos_sw_end” results in an error and no movement is startet.
E.g. MC_MoveVelocity will start decelerating to 0 velocity before the software limit is reached and stops at that limit position and reports an error.



you should use the Software limits to prevent the Axis hitting the mechanical limit switches.

I am curius if the question was more in the direction how to connect the mechanical switches to the system.

If you have a P3 you can use the Trigger Inputs to connect the limit switches directly to the drive.
With a ParID-Table you can Setup the POS_LIMIT_SWITCH_PARID to STAT_TRIGGER1 or 2.

If you have not enought Inputs at your Drive, you can use any Digital Input and use this PLCopen Functionblock. But in this usecase you have additional Delay, as the signals must be processed via the PLC.

There is a third solution where you can map the Signal of a Digital Input directly from a Powerlink Busscoppler to the ACOPOS. But i don’t have a guide ready.


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Thank you for your answers @Martin.Schrott and @michael.bertsch.

@michael.bertsch It’s prepared like solution 3 with wiring on digital input cards. So I can easily make it to solution 2 just by configuring MC_BR_SetHardwareInputs FB if I’m correct.
Question for software limit. When it hits one of software limits and reseting the fault, then is for example jog movement possible only in other side if I’m correct?
Thank you, Tobias

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if your axis is outside of the Software limits only single Axis functions where the system can check the direction can be used to move out of the limits.

Functionblocks like CyclicPosition , which is used by the CNC System will not work in these situations, where the axis is out of Software Limits.

I think Jogging should be possible.



I had an look for an expample of third solution.
Transmit IO-Data from Buscoppler Station to ACOPOS Reference/LimitSwitch
