What is the difference between Grafikmakros, Faceplates and Sub-Facplates?


What is the difference between Grafikmakros, Faceplates and Sub-Facplates?
I can’t see any difference in the behaviour. When I use a Grafikmakro where i should normaly use a Faceplate or Sub-Faceplate, they do the same things.
What’s really the difference?


In general, only graphic macros (dark green) are placed in the process image. Faceplates as
well as sub-faceplates are displayed by selection by a mouse click. This prevents any overloading
of the process image.

It is nevertheless also possible to place faceplates and sub-faceplates on the process image (this can be helpful during the library development).



In addition to the informatino of @banksk , here the classification of the faceplates in the PAL library (APROL standard library)

In the toolbar, graphic macros of type “faceplates” can be shown. This allows quick access to the most important functions of an aggregate.



Please refer to the replies above from @banksk and @dominik.kreil for the full context of the solution.