X20DS4389 - Digital Cam Switch

I try to generate impulse acording the position of an axis by using a X20DS4389 Module and the fb ASMcDcsPrecisionDigitalCamSwitch from the ASMcDcs Library.

I think the function bloc is working like my expectation. If I trace HwOuput.Sequence I see the value increasing on the corresponding position of the axis.
I see also the Timestamp changes cyclicaly.

On the X20DS4389 itself I see the double flash on the “e” LED :
• Oversample output control error
• Oversample output copy error

I imagine it is a problem in the my configuration.
On this you can see the configuration of the board.

Thanks for your help

What is defined as Timer device in the CPU configuration.
This should be powerlink.
The X2X cycle time should be the same as the powerlink cycle time to have these buses synchronized.