X67BC7321 and CanOpen bus

Hello everyone, We are modifying the old machine control system. Is it possible to connect the X67BC7321 device to the LENZE controller via the CanOpen bus? Where can I find the .EDS description file?

Hi Marko,

The X67BC7321-1 is a CAN I/O bus controller. This means it connects to a PLC via CAN I/O and then to other I/O modules via the X2X network.

CAN I/O is not the same thing as CANopen. It is built on top of the CAN network, but unfortunately, at least as far as I know, you will not be able to communicate with it using a CANopen master.

If you want to connect B&R I/O to a third-party CANopen master, you can instead use another module from this list. These modules have EDS files available on the B&R website.

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Thank you for the information. You have cleared up my doubts

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