Hello everyone, We are modifying the old machine control system. Is it possible to connect the X67BC7321 device to the LENZE controller via the CanOpen bus? Where can I find the .EDS description file?
Hi Marko,
The X67BC7321-1 is a CAN I/O bus controller. This means it connects to a PLC via CAN I/O and then to other I/O modules via the X2X network.
CAN I/O is not the same thing as CANopen. It is built on top of the CAN network, but unfortunately, at least as far as I know, you will not be able to communicate with it using a CANopen master.
If you want to connect B&R I/O to a third-party CANopen master, you can instead use another module from this list. These modules have EDS files available on the B&R website.
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Thank you for the information. You have cleared up my doubts
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