3IF152.60-1 vs 3IF152.60-2

We need to replace broken a 3IF152.60-1.
Unfortunately there’s low availabilty on 3IF152.60-1 and high availabilty on 3IF152.60-2.
How can we adapt an 3IF152.60-2 to 3IF152.60-1

Hello and welcome !

The 3IF260.60-2 is basically a -1 with double the amount of SystemProm memory. This is the memory for the operating system.
This is the only difference I could find and therefor I would say you can simply replace the -1 with a -2

Nevertheless you need to transfer the application as IF260 did not have a removeable memory

However we are talking about 3IF152 and you talk about 3IF260.
Is it the same case?

Sorry my fault. My answers were intended to be for the IF152 and I wrote IF260.
So the answwer is valid for your hardware

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Got it. Thanks
Yesterday we found a 3IF152.60-1.
It starts to load the programm but when is about to finish the process it fails.
I have prepared a ppt with pictures bur can not upload it (because I’m a new user)
How should we proceed?

try upload pictures now. I increased your level manually.

As @kovarj said please post your screenshots and if possible also what “it fails” means.
Is the download stuck or do you get an error message… etc
Thank you

241126 IF152-1.pptx (2.0 MB)
The ppt with pictures

It seems as the IF card is plugged on slot 10 of the backplane - this makes me think that it is used as “parallel processor”
On such a processor there were two ways to get the project downloded.

  1. via the plugged PLC and a certain library
  2. via a normal download

Are you sure that you have the correct project/files for this parallel processor ?

Honestly this topic is even a bit too old for me

Thank you
We are not experts but what is strange to us is that some connections/exchanges can be made but not all.
If we plug in a card that a colleague has lent us then it does it completely but with the “new” one it does it for some but not for all.
Is a video call possible?

an updated and more detailed .ppt
241127 IF152-1.pptx (3.6 MB)

I am sorry but this “downloader” seems to be from the machine builder and therefor I cannot tell why it is not working.

Hi Rafael,
If you need assistance via video call, please contact the support team at your local B&R office. I believe Oliver has already answered the general question, but it seems you have an application-specific issue, which I’m afraid we cannot resolve here.

Thanks for your help.
We really appreciate your interest
We will follow up this issue with the machine builder.
Best regards

Fully agree with your suggestion.
The general question is answered.
I will open another topic because we need to upgrade the wholw system to keep the machine running.

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perfect. That is how it should be. I marked oliver answer as a solution, but feel free to change it. It is your topic :slight_smile: