hello i have acopos 1045 with 8ac110.60 and i need can frame to control driver . and i have another question is this module is can open or only can and not work at can open standard .
also if can one send me link for AS 2.2 or 2.4 .
thanks for any help
A B&R PLC communicates to the ACOPOS 1045 via the motion manager, this protocol was never puplished. As far as i know the external control via 3rd Party PLC of an ACOPOS is not supported. It is a basic CAN.
All the hardware and software you are mentioning is quite old and obsolet.
Is this required for a repair job, or do you want to create something new?
The best way to get such an old Automation Studio ~ 20 Years old, is to contact a local B&R Representive. These old variants are no more distributed via the B&R Homepage.
thanks for your help