ARSim Availability and PLC code offline testing

I noticed that the ARSim option in my Automation Studio software is disabled? Does it mean that my version does not have this feature?

Also, I was wondering if there is any way we could test our PLC code without the actual hardware?

The Option you refer to is probably the section in Tools, which allows to start the ARsim in case its not working with the automatic enabling.

To switch the Automation Studio in the “ARsim” Mode you must press this Button in the Symbol Bar.

After Doing so and a short wait time, the Online Connection should be established to the ARsim

And in Case needed you can use the Button in the menue.

With enabled ArSim you have the posibillity to transfer to the simulation and test your Code.



Thank you. It is very helpful. Does ARSim have to run on another PC. When I try to transfer to target. It cautions that the data will be erased etc. Would it affect my PC running Automation Studio?

The ARsim runs on the PC where Automation Studio is installed.
If you Download with an “Initial Installation” this Window pops up, which obviusly created your question.


The ARsim is a Windows Program located in the Temp-Folder of your Project

The Message reproduces only the behaviour of a normal install on a real Target. But if Simulation is used, it only affects the local Directory in the Temp-Folder.
You don’t have to be worry that your PC will be formated.

In Case you use the USER-Partition you might be interessted in this Folder.

Which is connected to this Configuration in the Automation Studio.


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Got it. Thanks a lot for the information!

Thanks for the Reply, good to read that it helped. :slight_smile:

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