Does anyone have knowledge to explain why I find my goal but I can’t connect ONLINE?
I also find this error in the sdm
My target is found but I can’t connect right click connect doesn’t work.
Does anyone have knowledge to explain why I find my goal but I can’t connect ONLINE?
I also find this error in the sdm
My target is found but I can’t connect right click connect doesn’t work.
is it possible that your PLC and your PC have the same IP address?
Because the last screenshot is definitely not from SDM / from a PLC (including simulation, because Automation Software does not use IIS).
But this error message is generated by IIS, which is the Internet Information Server from Microsoft Windows, and the message says that IIS is trying to open “/SDM” from the directory c:\inetpub\wwwroot which is your PCs local harddrive.
Since IP adresses must be in the same IP network but different, I think you have to change the IP address of your notebook, or the one of the PLC.
Best regards!
As additional info:
The browse" function could even work if the IP setting is wrong, since it uses a different network protocol.
But all other communication only work if all IP settings are valid.
Best regards!
Everything is correct Alexander, I have gone around my problem so much that I forgot to change the IP of the PC, now everything is working well.
Only 2 questions:
A) I have created a basic project only hardware with IP plus active SNMP, here I find my goal and I connect from automation studio to my objective appears in RUN.
B) but when I transfer to my CF card with RUNTIME CENTER restore .zp3 files of the original project of which we do not have source codes only .zp3 file, then in automation studio online/setting/browswer here my objective no longer appears to be able to connect as it happens in basic project.
Is this so?,
In an original project without source codes you can’t connect online even knowing the IP?
Thank you.
If SNMP is active or not is a project setting done in Automation Studio sources, which are also part of the CF image.
That means: if you have a CF image where SNMP was deactivated, then browsing won’t work also after restoring that image.
So it could be that browsing works also with an image, but that depends on the setup choosen by the developer of this image. If it’s deactivated inside the image and you don’t have the sources, you can’t change this setting.
So more or less all settings are part of the software image on the CF, the’re (almost).no settings “overruled” by the hardware itself.
Knowing the IP address of a target, normally also enables you to come online if the notebook settings around IP match with the targets settings. But also this can be influenced by the settings inside the project image, so there’s no guarantee for that - since cyber security gets more and more important, I think in future it won’t be so easy anymore to connect even if most of the parameters are known.
Best regards!
I stay with the indication of the last paragraph, in the original project without source codes SNMP must be active because it allows me to connect by SDM, but if it is true what you indicate that for security in the image of the project it may be that they have it in some way that I can not connect to the objective.
It seems a little curious that by SDM I do connect but by automation studio setting/online/browswer there is no connection.
SNMP is for browsing only, while SDM is using a HTTP connection (which is based on TCP/IP) and the online protocol named ANSL (also based on TCP/IP) is a third different one.
But you’re right, if you can connect to SDM, you know the IP address of the target.
So if the target can’t be connected via that IP address, then maybe ANSL is deactivated or does not use the default TCP port?
Really hard to say without having the sources to be honest, I’m sorry…
Best regards!