is it possible to control a servo motor with the SDC interface?
thank you.
Hallo Ron,
what kind of servo controller do you want to control with sdc? Via an analog output or via a fieldbus?
fieldbus - ethercat via X20IF10G1
Hello Ron,
please take a look at this topic:
Yes, you can do it. Of course, there are more modern ways today (see Stephan’s answer).
SDC is little more than a setpoint generator that knows nothing about the internals of your drive. All fast control processes (speed controller and current controller) continue to run in your drive’s processor.
With SDC, it is also possible to implement a position controller. However, this then runs at most in the cycle time of the fastest task class and this is significantly slower and worse than implemented in the drives available today.
Of course, you have to write the entire interface from the SDC to your drive yourself.
If you insert an old-fashioned ACOPO inverter P84 into your hardware tree on the Powerlink, Automation Studio will create a suitable SDC task to control it. Since the ACOPOSinverter, like many drives, uses a DS402 profile internally, the task could be a good starting point for your own developments.
(if you insert a P76 or P66, the wizard will no longer start).
Please find detailed information about SDC here