Couldn't be able to transfer the program to X20CP1382

For new PLC(X20cp1382) i m trying to transfer the program to target PLC(X20cp1382) using USB connected IF4 or IF5 but program not transferred.

Procedure followed
Connect USB & Power Off/ON.

PLC in Service Mode:
IP :

PLC : New PLC module (x20cp1382).

Please help me in this regard

The USB-stick should be made with AS V4.12, because some issues were solved.
Try to change the mode to boot mode with the reset button and then a powerfail.

LED status
E: Red Continuous on

Means X20CP1382 in Service mode/Boot mode.

@corne.geerts PLC is in boot mode only

Pendrive connected to USB port and restart the PLC, but E LED always on only. it does not transfer the program.

After that connect PLC to Laptop via Ethernet and scan the IP address its address is only
means no program in PLC.

Did you use a FAT32 formatted USB-stick ?
Have you tried another FAT32 formatted USB-stick?
It could be that the USB-stick is not recognized by the CPU.

Did you try a B&R USB stick like:

It could be that FAT32 formatting is only possible if partition size of USB-stick is reduced.
This possible with diskpart:

create partition primary size=4096
select partition 1
format fs=fat32 quick

Otherwise contact your local B&R Support office.