DTM issues

We are trying to compile a project from an older machine (have not had the issues with the file before) and are getting the error “no data was exported from the supplied DTM” It is using automation studio . We are not sure what the cause of this error is. Any assistance would be appreciated.

My experience with this is that you need to open up your IODD DTM Configurator and point it to the device files you’re using. (Add IODD…)

You don’t want the yellow warning symbol, you want the green check mark. Hope this helps!


That was the issue. Something was corrupt with the IODD file. We just deleted the old and reinstalled the new one. Thanks

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Hi everyone,

I wanted to share some additional information for those of you who are storing your projects in Git repositories. To avoid issues with certain file types, it’s a good idea to use a .gitattributes file to instruct Git to treat these files as binary. This will prevent Git from attempting to fix line endings or store changes as diffs, which can cause problems.

Here’s an example of how you can configure .gitattributes:

*.dtm binary
*.dtmdre binary
*.dtmdri binary
*.dtmtre binary
*.ext binary

Background (based on my observations):
IODD and DTM information is stored in .ext files within the project. These files might include binary data, such as .png images, embedded in what is otherwise a text-based file. This can lead to mixed line endings. Depending on your Git settings, these mixed line endings might be “fixed” during the commit process, which can corrupt the DTM/IODD data.

By marking these files as binary in .gitattributes, you can prevent this issue and ensure that your files remain intact.

Hope this helps!