Easy way of logging user interactions on SG4 Visu

Hi, is there an easy way of logging every single user interaction on the SG4 visualization? I am using 4PPC70 PLC+HMI combo panel.

Several other HMI manufacturers that I use have a detailed logger, such as “yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss User X changed Numeric pressurePV 42.3 → 48.0”. This is usually implemented as a simple page where you drag a Logger element and that’s it.

This is absolutely invaluable when operators swear up and down that they have not changed a single thing at 3am and machine crashed mysteriously by itself.

Thank you!

Mapp Audit- remember it requieres a Software license

B&R Online Help (br-automation.com)

All events on the machine such as changing recipes or logging in/out users should be collected and stored in a file. This can be implemented using mapp Audit. This type of event list clearly shows who made which changes to the machine and when. An audit trail like this is used in many machines for quality assurance, especially for monitoring changes. This is particularly required in the food industry.

mapp Audit communicates with other mapp components such as mapp Recipe, AlarmX or mapp UserX, which makes collecting events much easier. The event list can be displayed via the HMI application and exported to a storage medium.

mapp Audit 1 - How to audit machine events [sub: EN, DE, PL, PT-BR, RU] (youtube.com)

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I see, thank you Marcos. So nothing pre-packaged integrated. I can perhaps use the Runtime / Completion datapoint to set a unique number to a specific variable and then in program check, whether this variable is <> 0 and if so, add contents of userInteractionDescriptionArray[datapoint] to logger. Relatively straightforward for buttons, not so straightforward for input fields, but doable.