Error generate Json for Widget... after project upgrade to AS6

This worked for me. Text system works now.

For me it didn’t work.

Hi the community,

I found something : in Version 4.x, it’s allowed to have two different names (in my case Alarms and VisuMain_Page_Alarmes) but in V6 NOT. A little joke from the B&R developpers :slight_smile: .

So, i tried this :
1- Set the autoUpdate at true (like Hakan KECECI) to allow updating by AS6
2- I renamed all files of my mappView project (binding, eventbinding, page, content, dialog,…)
3- I closed my project and AS6
4 -I reopened my project and miracule it works ! :tada: For my project, I spent about 3 hours !

I hope my little contribution will be useful.

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In the meantime, everything worked again with my project after I performed the renaming action. Today, however, I wanted to open some content, and the problem is back. I am not aware of having done anything related to it. I’ve only been working on the PLC program code in the past few days… It was still working yesterday. :woozy_face:

Has anyone made a script to rename all files with the id in this file ?

Hi, this is known bug of AS. There are two known workarounds:

  • close and open AS again.
  • if you have ACP10 or mappMotion version selected, change this to not defined, save a project and reopen AS.
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