Error generate Json for Widget... after project upgrade to AS6


i’ve just converted an existing project to Automation Studio and now i’m unable to open the MappView contents.
Doubleclicks on any content file results in such messages in the output window:

The project was made with AS4.12 and MappView 5.24.1.

Does anybody know whats wrong with my project?

Hi Stephen,

I didn’t try using AS6 at the moment, as I understand you convert AS412 to AS6 project. Maybe there is some temporary files, can you try to do “Project/Clean Configuration…” check all checkbox. Then close completly AS, repoen and Rebuild your project.

Hope that could help.


Unfortunately, I forgot to mention this. I have of course tried these things.

I can also compile the project and transfer it to the controller.

Only the mappView editor does not bring up the contents.

Did you restart the AS? Most of the times with AS4 if the mappView Editor throws exceptions like this when reopening AS the problem is gone…

Sure i have. I’ve already rebootet the pc :slight_smile:

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To diagnose your problem, I see that your content loader is loading infinitly. There is a way to open Developer tool of the content loader.

Please check if you have a file on your PC “%appdata%/BR/AS6/MappView1Designer.settings”

If he didn’t exist please open a default project add mappView template, open a content and open settings of the content editor :
Just click “OK”, this should create the file.

Then when this file exist open it using a text editor, it’s an XML file.
Set entry “DeveloperMode” to “true”

Save the file and close content editor
Re-open a content using content editor and press F12, this will open developer tools.
You should have info in the Console tab about what’s going on !

This will be more complexe to diagnose…

Note: This DevTools is so much better than AS4 :exploding_head:



Hello again.

I have tried out your suggestion and that’s what i get:

Does that help?

Can you open your content as text file, it’s an XML. Check if all widgets got an “id=” ?

Did you have other errors / warnings in Output result of AS when you try to open the content ?

You can add a breakpoint to the line 22 and press F5 to refresh content loader. Then on the right you will have the watch on the values.

Check if there is a specific case when value.Id didn’t exist.
value.Id contain the unique ID that will be use in HTML.

Error that you have is that the variable “value” didn’t have a child “Id”.

value is undefined when it hits the breakpoint.

I have no other error messages and as i see there are no widgets in the content with no id…

I think i have a problem with the text system.

I made a new empty content which i can open without problems.

I just added a Label and saw that i could not assign a text from the text system. The list where i normally can choose the text is empty.

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Oh so you hit the problem, I think you can contact your local B&R support for ask them more info about this, I’m pretty sure there is new thing with text system !

Maybe someone else has an idea why this list remains empty?

In my newly created test project, the texts are listed there as usual.
The namespace IAT is also correct everywhere.

Did you add TextSystem configuration file in Configuration and add TMX files to it ?
Check also if Project.language is present in your project

For me it works fine on AS6

The text configuration file is available and all tmx files are entered in the list.

I can’t see anything that could be wrong.

In my test project, the “assign text” dialog shows the created texts and you don’t even need a text system configuration for this.

I won’t be able to continue researching the problem for the next few days, but I would be grateful for any further tips

Servus Steffen, hast Du schon mal versucht, die fehlerhafte Textressource zu löschen und neu einzufügen ? Bei MappView hatte ich in der Vergangenheit immer mal wieder solche Phänomene. Nach dem Löschen des betreffenden Widgets und einer Neuanlage hat es dann meistens wieder funktioniert.

Gruß Jochen

Hallo Jochen,

ich hab die TMX-Dateien schon mal rausgeschmissen und wieder neu eingefügt. Das bringt nichts.
Gruß Steffen


Our B&R support team has looked into the issue and was able to reproduce it using a newly set up test project. It occurs as soon as drive technology is involved, and it doesn’t matter whether mapp motion or ACP10 is used.

I was able to reproduce it in my problem project as well. As soon as you set mapp motion and ACP10 to ‘not defined’ in Change Runtime Versions, the texts system works as expected and i can open the contents.


I have the same issue with the text system not working and the window for selecting texts shows up empty. I have also followed the instructions in the help, to make sure that I have for example Project.Languages in the project and the text-files in the configuration. I tried changing ACP10 in Change Runtime Versions to ‘not defined’ as mentioned here, but when pressing “Apply” it automatically switches back to 6.0.0. Is there another way of solving the text system issue?

In the case of ACP10 you have to delete the ACP10-Libraries in the logical view first. Then you can set the version to ‘not defined’ and the setting remains.

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I have experienced a same situation. PC reboot, AS6 reboot etc. did not solve my problem.

I had pages in the MappView package. I could not open the contents under these pages at all. When you change the page name, the page editor file with the “.page” is automatically changed. If autoUpdate=“true” is active in the “.vis” file in the Configuration View, your page references will also change automatically.


After doing this, when I closed and opened the AS again, I saw that the problem was fixed. However, I am not sure if it is a certain solution. If you try it and let us know, we can inform the AS development team.