what is meant by “mpsfdommgr” module when i want to install offline program on pp065?
I’d guess it’s something related to the mapp Safety. The name suggests “mapp safety domain manager”. Is mapp Safety part of the project? Is the mapp Safety technology package installed?
As Pavel wrote, I’d also guess that you have mappSafety references in you project. Are you using f.e. Safety HW where the version is 2.x.x or higher? This requires mappSafety. You can verify this in the physical view:
Or there might be a version for mappSafety selected in the Project-Change Runtime Versions menu.
If you don’t have any safety HW in your physical view, I’d check the menu Project-Change Runtime Versions to see if there is a safety version selected.
Please set mappSafety to ‘not defined’ and remove any safety related files from your cpu.sw file.
If you are not using mappView (I would presume you don’t as you’re using PP065), also set that one to ‘not defined’.
16 posts were split to a new topic: PP65 is boot mode with CPU mismatch error in the logger
This topic related to safety configuration in the project is solved from my perspective.