AS 4.12;
If we donnot shut down the windows correctly before the AR, some issues may come.
So i want to shut down the GPOS and AR one by one after clicking a button,
is that possible to do that within mappview?
Thanks all.
assuming this is a B&R Hypervisor target you have some options.
Still you don’t have a ready made one-by-one function available and might need some work to implement.
So first, using the functionblock SYSreset() of the runtime library can shutdown the Automation Runtime System. Check the available options for the shutdown.
For the GPOS and Hypervisor System you have a C-API for Windows and Linux available. All files necessary for the GPOS are stored in subdirectory “Hypervisor” of the AR installation directory (e.g. C:\BRAutomation\AS\System\A0461\BRHypervisor\ISCDevelopment).
This API needs to be implemented in some windows program to interact with the system.
Check ISC (Intersystem Communication) and restart behavior.
Now, the part with the sequence can be implemented by this functions.
All the best
If you should make use of the C-API, you can probably also directly use the function
brhypsrvSystemShutdown from the brhypsrv.h.
Best regards,
See also the HypervisorControl-win on Github: