How to assign / fix the nodeid of all opcua object, created under

Hi All,

I am using Automation Studio V4.12.

Is there any way to fix the (or automatically come with) nodeid to B&R function object, that should not be changed after uploading the new set of opcua objects?

I can successfully upload the B&R function blocks and data types under structure in my scada.

But I am struggling to fix the nodeid’s of the existing objects under structure after each upload, existing objects gets new nodeid which creates an issue, because all graphics and other aspects link with the same nodeid.

Problem starts when the nodeid changes…

So if the B&R object having the nodeid let’s suppose ns=2;i=200107 changes to another one, so whichone will have this ns=2;i=200107, all graphics and other aspects will move to that object.

Solution may be : If we can fix the nodeid (once created) in any way.

Thanks in advance!!!

The nodeid and other information appears like

You must use the the string definition in the UANodeID as the numeric identifier can change with every download.

See for string contents:

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