How to configure ACOPOS DIO cards

In order to use a digital input or output from an ACOPOS interface card, they should be declared in the drive parameter table such as:



The information regarding which instance should be used (+0,+1,+2…) can be found both in the AH (guid: 70d94340-68ee-440f-a84b-153908220945) and B&R Online Help.

So, depending on the slot where the digital DIO interface card is connected, we will have to use a different instance.

For example, in the picture below the AC130 card is connected to the slot 1. Therefore, the function blocks used to define inputs and outputs from this interface will end in β€œ+1”.


The next step is to define which digital IO are inputs and which of them are outputs. In interfaces such as the 8EAC130 for ACOPOS P3, they can be configured directly from the Physical View.

In that case, the digital IOs will be defined either as inputs or outputs.

If we define an input, we can choose which axes will be able to use it. As we can see from the image below, more than one axis can use the information provided by the same input at the same time.


Defining an output is a bit different because only one of the available axis can write into it. I assume that it is done for safety reasons, as we should never be able to write to the same output at the same time from different places.


For older IO interfaces, the configuration is done directly into the ACOPOS parameter table itself.

Imagine that we have the following hardware configuration:


In that case, we can define if an IO will be an input or an output using the ACOPOS FB β€œDIO_DIR”.


Remember that the instance number (+0,+1,…) will be defined following the same rules explained before.

The description of the DIO_DIR found on AS help, give us a hint on how it should be configured.

Let’s use the previous case as example. If we want to define the DIO1 as an input and the DIO2 as an output, we should write down the DIO_DIR value in binary format setting the bits to zero if it is an input and to one if it is an output. In our case, the result would be:


Once we have the binary code defined, we have to convert it to decimal and assign it to DIO_DIR.

NOTE: Some AC130 modules are not configurable (such as the 8BAC0130 for ACOPOSmulti). In that case, the configuration options will not be available with any of the two methods previously explained.