the systerm design like the follow image,We had a potential opportunity where the customer asked APC910 to connect two Automation Panels through SDL and display the same machine operation page, but needed to make sure that while one of the Automation Panels was being operated, the other one could not be operated (it could be displayed).
We have now implemented lock panel 1 and panel 2 can operate, but switch to lock panel 2 and panel 1 can operate is failed
So, is there anyone have the experience of this topic? Could the touch screen be switch locked by this way or is there any other method?
to be honest I’m not sure what you’ve done exactly until now, can you please give us some more detail information?
Are you using the ADI SDK (DLL or .NET?) with Windows 10 as operating system?
And if yes, have you written an own implementation based on that SDK, or do you use the ADI OPC UA server software, or the ADI line of PVI?
What panel type(s) do you use? I’m not completely sure if every type of panel can be locked, but at least it has to be connected via SDL like in your architecture.
In principle, with the AdiLockPanel() method out of the SDK a panel can be locked, if a specific panel should be locked / unlocked, the panel has to be selected before with the method AdiSelectPanel().
Best regards!
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We use the ADI.NET with Windows 10 as operating system, the panel is " 5AP1130.185C-000",The Attached is the code we used,and now when “gPannelCtrlSelect = 2” panel 1 is locked and panel 2 can operate,but “gPannelCtrlSelect = 1” there is none of the panels are locked.The same code, when controller use PPC3100,there is no problem and can implement switching locks (2.4 KB)
okay, first I would recommend to check if the MTCX and the SDLT / SDLR firmware versions on the APC910 and the panels have all the most actual version.
Also, please check the panel numbers if it’s they’re same on APC3100 and APC910 by having a look into the ADI control center. I’m not sure and unfortunately I don’t have any hardware for tests, but maybe the numbering of the panels differs on the different APCs?
Best regards!
Thanks a lot, I have a question if the panel numbers are the same then how do we lock the different panel?
that’s a really good question, I haven’t seen this until now that panels connected to the same APC have the same panel number. I only remember that panels can have number from 0…15 depending on where and how they’e connected.
Do you have 2 panels connected, and both have the same number? Can you please share a screenshot from the ADI control center?
Best regards!
Thanks Alexander,We read the panel number through the ADI Control center,The test is normal after the panel number is changed to the correct one.
Thank you for your advice and experience

good to hear it works, thanks for the response!
Bes regards!