I can't find where to set the OPC UA username and password


I would like to set the OPC UA username and password. However, as shown in the image below, I couldn’t find a place to configure them. I am wondering if I need to update mappService for this. I am currently using mappService version 5.12.1, and mappView is not being used.


I assume you’re using Automation Studio / Automation Runime 4.x, right?
I’m asking because there some differences depending on Automation Studio and Automation Runtime used, so the used versions are important to know to give the right hints.

But in common, I would descibe it like this:
The OPC UA server offers a very high flexiblitity in security & access configuration.
Therefore, it does not have a “common OPC UA user”, but uses the AR user-role system.

So you need:

  • setting up role(s) and user(s) you want to use
  • granting the role(s) access to the OPC UA default view
  • setting up the OPC UA nodes with inherited or changed access rights

Let’s assume you want to have a own role and user for OPC UA access, and you have to configure it first. Role and user configuration can be found in “Access & Security → UserRoleSystem”.

He’re some screenshots from Automation Studio 4.12, and Automation Runtime M4.93.
First, create a role to use:

Next, create a user that has this role assigned:

Then, activate the role for the OPC UA default view by choosing it under “Add Role” in the root node of the OPC UA default view configuration…

… and configure the access rights as you want to use that role:

Now, the basic setup for using a user with OPC UA is done.
You can repeat those steps as needed, if you wnat to have more users, different roles with different access rights, and so on.

One more info about the tag access.
When configuring the OPC UA tags to be accessed, after the basic configuration above you’ll also see the roles there.
If using “inherit all”, all access rights are used like defined in the root node:

But you could even change the access on tag level here, by switching to “inherit none” and change the access rights as needed:

Last but not least, the user-based access has to be enabled inside the OPC UA system, but this is enabled by default in AS4.x.

I hope this information helps a bit.
Again, as I said the’re some dependencies to AS and AR version. But using AS4.x + AR4.x in a “not too old version”, it should look and work more or less similar… if not, please tell us the exact versions of AS, AR and PLC you’re using, thanks.

Best regards!