Mapp Audit Archive Data

In Mapp Audit, all audit information is stored in an internal data object or archive file. Is there any way to access and copy this raw archive data to an external device, and then restore it to its original location when needed, so that users can view the historical data whenever required?
We are using Mapp version 5.9.1 with window Hypervisor

From AI conversational Help:

Yes, it is possible to export audit data using the MpAuditExport function block. The exported data can be in different file formats such as txt, PDF, or CSV. The file format is defined in the configuration using the FileType parameter. Additionally, raw data can be exported using the RawData parameter. If encryption is required, this can be specified using the Encrypt parameter and a PassPhrase can be set for decryption.

For opening in mappView you can use TextPad widget or pdf widget.