Mapp Web Handling instructions, open loop mode

Has anyone used the MpTension control library in the Mapp Web Handling for open loop control? I am having very little luck getting this library to work and from what I see in Help documentation, there is only one mention of open loop control for this library, and that is just that there is a configuration parameter that can be selected to open loop.

Does open loop mode support motor torque control? I am using the Control input during open loop and see that it does supply some sort of torque limit to the motor, but this usually ends up with a position lag error. However, there is no mention of this actually being a feature in open loop control or not, so I am unsure if I should even be trying it.

Bringing this question back to the top - do we have any mapp Web Handling users who could chime in on this question?

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Hello Scott,
MpTension does not support Torque Control.
As you have already mentioned, there only is a torque limitation of the axis.
The idea is to push the winder axis to this limitation by increasing/decreasing the axis speed till the torque limit is reached. This is all done by the component itself.
The benefit is that in case of material breakage, the axis will not accelerate to infinity to reach a given set torque.
You will get a position lag error, but for winder axis, the axis should be in velocity and not in position control, since it’s rather difficult to calculate a set position, compared to a set velocity.
Also, winder axis most of the time don’t have the needed stiffness to achieve good position control anyway.