I have created a system using the ACOPOS P3 servo drive. In the system I have built, one axis clamps the profile based on a fixed point. While doing this clamping, I use the limit load and limit load value parameters in mpAxisBasic (I increase the lag error value first to be able to clamp the profile using these parameters). I limit the torque of the axis to 1.2, then slowly approach the profile and clamp it. After the axis is clamped at a torque ratio of 1.2, I want to reset the axis, but the lag value does not reset itself. When I reset the axis and set the limit load variable to false, the lag remains, causing the movement to clamp the profile more than I want, resulting in a lag error. Is there a way to reset the lag value?
There is no special Command to reset the LagError of the Position Controller.
The only event which resets the LagError is the PowerOff/PowerOn for the Position Controller.
If you want to clamp i would try to use “MC_BR_TorqueControl”, it provides a Limiting, so if there is no Force the Axis will not accelerate to much and you can easily control the Force created and remove it afterwards in a controlled manner.
@CanGENC I used it once in a project where I raised the lag error to a very big value and limited the torque + when finished I reset everything including using this command! So quite similar to your use case.
While the axis is in mcAXIS_STANDSTILL state, I send the value 1 to parID number 93 of the axis, but the lag error value does not change. What other uint value can I send instead of 1 or can you see any problems in the code?