mappView build error - openssl config failed, ContentBuilderfailed


I have some problem with mappView build error.

When building a project with mappView from a few days ago, openssl config error is occurring. The error contents are as follows. (I attached the output result as a file.)

Output result (3.4 KB)

I am currently using four automation studio environments. (There’re using same version)
Among them, only one PC has a problem with the project build that includes mappView.

  • Automation Studio 4.12.7
  • Automation Runtime M4.93
  • mapp 5.24.x

I’ve tried a few things to solve this.

  1. Run Automation Studio as Administrator
  2. Clean Configuration → Rebuild
  3. Reinstall Automation Studio

However, this error still occurs.
Does someone know how to fix this?

Best Regards,


no idea to be honest, but the path string looks strange. Could you please try to use a different and shorter path for the project like “c:\temp” or “c:\projects” instead of a path out of your user profile?

Bedt regards!

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Thanks for reply,

Unfortunately, I’ve tried that before as well.

Have a nice weekend. :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


okay, thanks for testing it!
I’m really confused about the character in the path. In my opinion there should be a backslash between the directories, but I see a special character I don’t know… and for me it feels that this is the cause why this compile step fails, because if the path is used as we see it for the grunt command call, I’m pretty sure it can’t work.
But I’ve no idea where that character comes from?

Have a nice weekend, too!

It is the path separator(backslash) for Windows, which is encoded at 0x5c across all of the ANSI code pages. And this is marked differently in some countries. I live in Korea, so it appears in the Korean won(Korean currency name) symbol. GCC understands this, so it’s not a problem. :slight_smile:

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