MappView UserListItem don't shows the User Informations

i have a problem with the UserItemList in MappView.
When I make a new User Login, I can see anything on the UserlistItem.
The Buttons previous and next goes the status Enabled, but now
User would be displayed. But Login is correct (see picture above).

Is this a config problem in UserX configuration?
Can anyone give me a short example how to configure the UserListWidget correct?

Hi Franz, welcome to the B&R Community!

There isn’t a lot you can do wrong here, I assume you followed the instructions of the Example Configuration

What I’m missing from your picture is any UserListItem which has to be added and configured which elements you want to display, like UserName / FullName etc.

I just added this very quickly

I added a login widget so I can login as Admin to actually show the user list. As stated in the help the UserList only works for administrator accounts.

The other potential issue with mapp component connections and mappView is a missing MpServer library. That library is required for communication between mapp components and mappView via the MpLink.

I hope this helps

Hi Marcel,

thanks a lot. My mistake was to less UserListItems.
Now I added this Item 3 times. Well now it’s working.
