Monitor view (window) doesn't appear when activate monitor mode

Hi B&R community,

I have been working in monitor mode without any problems, simulating ARsim or having the PLC connected and running through it. In my case, I have been alternating the same project with 2 configurations: X20CP1584 and X20CP3583.

But suddenly, the monitor window does not appear when I click on the monitor mode button. Automation studio enters the mode (gray screen), but the monitor view does not appear.

I have also tried manually selecting the variable I want to track and by right mouse click, open and observe, but I get the following error (see image below):

Has anyone experienced this? How can I get it working again in AS? I have been considering reinstalling all the software. But I will do that as a last option.



Hi there,
this dialog also appears I think when the sourcecode and the target diverge. Please check Online->Compare->Software if that’s the case

Also in the watch right click->Insert variable - does that show any variables (including or excluding “loggingState”)

And finally, to get the window back you can go to either View->Debug windows->Watch (should be deselected at the moment I guess) and as a last-ditch-effort if that doesn’t help: Window->Reset window layout (prepare for some jumping windows, better close all open tabs first

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your reply.

Most of your suggestions I tried before and nothing fixed the problem:
-I dont have the option available for View->Debug windows->Watch. it is not available to switch on. But I have noted that if i try to go into the view tab when the monitor mode is activated, the AS crashes and closed down by itself.

-Reset window layout doesn’t fix the problem.

-I cant insert any variables in the watch window (when i open it manually). the option is not available.

-The compare function shows me that project and target are the same.

I think that there is a setting in the configuration or something that doesn’t allow me to monitor the code/project.

Hi @Dionisio_F,

is it your configuration “active”?


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Hi Vanessa,

Yes, the configuration is active and aligned with the connected hardware.

I have managed to get the watch screen in another project with same configuration. But I still having the following error message when i want to watch variables:

But now, i am only getting the warning/error message when i try to run it via PLC. If I simulate the project with ARsim, I am able to watch the variables:


I have compared the software using the online option and both of them are the same.

