mpDatabase in AS6, new version of mappDtabaseConnector?


I transfer my project from AS4.12 (everything was working) to AS6. I reconfig the conf. file, because it was empty after transfer. Change the program to new interface, but I have a problem with it.

The main problem is maybe, that the script ( in help is not the actual - version 5.12.0 not the 6.0.

Version mismatch: MpDatabase 6.0 is not compatible with mappDatabaseConnector 5.12.0 (compatible Versions: 6.00 - 6.0)

I also try to rewrite the version of the script to 6.0, but it’s write only the empty messages.

[29/Aug/2024 15:47:30] "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 -

Have anyone the new version of this script?

THis is good question. I do not expect any difference between connector for mapp 5.24 and mapp6. If you do not get answer here, you can contact me on Monday when Im back in the office and I can check it for you. Or contact local B&R office for support.

Hi Jan
attached is new connector.
mappDatabaseConnector3 (5.2 KB)

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@kovarj Thank you. It’s working! :blush:

One more little thing about the script. There is no parameter for database type. It’s correct? If yes, please repair the help, othervise repair the script.

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AS6 Help must be updated for sure.

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