How to resolve version mismatch in acp10 upgrade

similar to the topic a couple of day ago, here’s mine:
On the long way from AS4.10 to AS6, before converting to 4.12, I wanted to use the latest runtime versions. So I changed ACP10 to 5.27 in AS4.10. But already here I get the version mismatch for mpbase - this seems to be available only up to 5.24.0. How can I upgrade to the latest runtime versions of ACP10? Neither the library update works nor is the library version > 5.24 available in the libraries.

Hi Marcus,

I don’t believe that the MpBase library is used with ACP10. It is used with mappMotion, however it looks like mappMotion 5.27 uses MpBase version 5.24 so I’m assuming that’s the latest available for AS4. Can you please share with us a screenshot of your Project → Change Runtime Versions window so that we can see which component versions you’re using in your project?

In situations like this where there are conflicts between versions during an upgrade, I often find that these steps will resolve any issues:

  1. Disable all mapp components (and ACP10) in Project → Change Runtime Versions. This shouldn’t remove any of your configuration files, but it’s nice to make sure your project is tracked in git just to be safe
  2. Delete all mapp libraries from the Logical View → Library package
  3. Turn the components you want back on and select the desired versions in Project → Change Runtime Versions

This will ensure that all required libraries have the correct version. Also keep in mind that you can only mix and match major mapp versions starting with 5.24 (e.g. you can’t use mapp Services 5.21 with mapp Motion 5.22).

Hi Marcus,

these are the runtime versions settings (in AS4.10, same behaviour is in AS4.12):

There are no mapp components used in the project.
ACP10 cannot be disabled…



In that case you should be able to delete the MpBase library from your project. If there are no mapp components used, nothing should be using that library.

By “disable” a component, I just meant setting it to “nicht definiert” :slight_smile:

It’s clear, unfortunately, MpBase was imported in your prj for mistake. I see from your screenshot you want to use ACP10 and not mappMotion so you just need the motion libraries visible when you check Advanced check box or Erweitert in German:

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There is a quite “unfortunate” situation here… Starting with Acp10/Arnc0 version 5.something (maybe 5.0) the mapp Technology motion libraries have been included/moved (MpAxis, MpCnc, …). I’ll not go further into the history of this…
But when checking the Acp10/Arnc0 installer it seems they don’t include the MpBase library (which is required for e.g. MpAxis)!

Acp10/Arnc0 version 5.27.1 contains a version of (for example) MpAxis which requires in this case MpBase version 5.24.1, which (as mentioned) does not seem to be part of the TP installer…

As a workaround, in order to get this version of MpBase you can install mapp Services >=5.24.1 or mapp (Technology) >=1.91.0. Both of these bring the required MpBase version with them…

I hope this helps!


That worked. Thank you :slight_smile:

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