Version mismatch

Hi everyone,
hope you have a good day.
I am trying to open an old project on AS 4.12, but it demands to download install this version: AR: X20_CP1585 H4.23
I have tried to download it from the website but I couldn’t find it.
can any one send the downloading link .
thanks in advance

Hi, and welcome to our community!

You’re right, this version seems not to be available anymore, I also haven’t found it.

Is it mandatory for your use-case to keep the version H4.23? If not, I would recommend to switch to a available version nearby x4.23, for example O4.26.

To use a different runtime in this project, open the project by ignoring the message about the runtime. Then, after downloading, install the version above via “Tools → Upgrades → Local”.
After installation, switch the projects runtime version via “Project → Change runtime version” and select the new installed runtime.

Best regards!

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if you do not have backup of this old AR, it is not available for download and you really need it and you can not change to the newer one, please contact support of your local B&R office. They can provide it to you.


Thank you for your reply
unfortunatly, it doesn’t work.
it seems it requires the same exact version

Thank you for the reply