The customer’s PLC communicates with the ABB frequency converter via CANopen. Currently, there is a problem where communication fails (or incorrect communication occurs). However, after power-off and restart, the communication can be restored.
Hi @jiangp,
I think we’ll need some more information in order to help you on the community. I took a look at both your screenshot and the documentation for error 30811 in the AS Help. These are some questions that come to mind:
What happens when the communication fails? Do you get errors on the other device, or do commands just stop registering?
From your screenshot, it looks like two nodes (22 and 23) are having trouble with the same SDO messages. Which one of these is the frequency converter? How many devices are connected to the Master?
Each of those error messages should have additional information in the Info section which tells you what the abort code was. Could you please take a look and share those codes? Is it the same code every time or does it change?
Hi, Thanks for your reply.
When communication fails, the frequency converter goes offline, and the PLC cannot control the frequency converter, causing the equipment to be unable to move (the frequency converter drives the traction motor, which drives the equipment to move forward and backward).
The file is the logger.
The frequency converter is connected to the IF9 interface, which has only two frequency converters with node addresses of 1 and 2. Nodes 22 and 23 are connected to the IF7 interface and are two encoders (69.7 KB)
Hi @marcusbnr
Ps. The error code always be 30820 means Emergency message received. (Not to be confused with the function block status error output from CANopenRecvEmcyDev() in the AsCANopen library.) 30816 Configuration error and 30811 means Error performing SDO access to a slave.
The wrong direction of the frequency converter is communication disconnection.
The error message of the frequency converter for node 2 is 30811, with additional information of 08000000, 06010000,06090030. According to the help, it displays general error, unsupported access to an object, and value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access). In addition, 30820 is also displayed as an error, but the specific code cannot be analyzed for the additional information
Besides, The customer mentioned that if communication is normal when powered on, communication will not be disconnected during operation