SDM Error Meaning


I need some info on the SDM error logged on the plc.
The plc start always in Diag mode.
and the error shown are attached in screen shot. Can any one please let me know how to resolve the error. thanks

Hi Mansuri,

Welcome to the community!

Error number 8021 means that two software components that were installed on the system have the same name. This is probably an error that occurred during the project installation. The listed workaround (which has worked for me before) is to perform an initial project installation. This can be done during an online or offline transfer by selecting “Force initial installation” in the transfer settings:

Thanks for the info will check it. How can I identify which software component is?. As the machine was running well and after the power outage the problem created. And do you know where i can get the document to identify the error code like this ?. Thanks

Hi Mansuri

In the collumn “ASCII Data” of the logger in SDM it shows the name of the module which failed to install. In your case it is “cosy000002”.

The documentation for all error numbers you find in the online help, true also for your error 8021.

Using the Logger within AutomationStudio, you can simply hit F1 after selecting the entry and the installed help will open.

Probably the power outage happened in a edge case situation, causing system corruption. I agree that reinstalling the application would be the safest solution.

Thanks for the information it is really helpful.
Want to know it is the software component “Cosy000002” so it will be somewhere in programming ???
I am looking into the application but not able to find it. Do you know where I can look to get more details on it. Thanks

Hi Mansuri,

You’re welcome, glad you apprechiate.

In the “Software” tab of the SDM (navigation left side in your screenshot) you find (nearly) all installed modules. Using the find function of your browser (ctrl+F on Windows) should help you to find it quickly, if it is there.
Alternatively, using AutomationStudio, you could use the menu “Online → Compare → Software” to see a complete list of all installed application tasks, libraries, dataobjects and such.

As it has these numbes at the end, I could imagine, that it is a dataobject (or task) created at runtime.


I don’t know if the information is helpful, but as I know the modules starting with “cosy…” are containing data of elements used in the projects configuration.
For example settings like “mappServices mappAlarmX configuration”, “Automation Runtime user / role / rights system”, “language system configuration”, and so on are stored in “cosy…” modules … so more or less (almost) all of the configurations done in the projects configuration view.
That’s the reason why I don’t think that you’ll find the name “cosy…” directly in the project sources.

As the colleguages already mentioned, it’s not “normal” (and not allowed by the system) to have modules with the same name in the runtime environment, so I would recommend first to perform in Automation Studio “project → clean configuration” (with “delete all temporary files” activated, but this is activated by default), followed by “project → rebuild configuration” and do a initial installation - then the system is completely setted new.
And if it’s an issue in the projects configuration (so somewhere inside the configuration view data), after clean-up and rebuild already the compile should fail with an error leading to the configuration mismatch.

Best regards!