Hardware error SDM

I have hardware error on my sdm when i probe further the acopos drive is okay but the problem is with the servo motor since it indicates not configured.kindly help me out am new to this. Thank you.



Hi Alfred,

Welcome to the Community!

The SDM is just telling you that it found a motor connected (an 8LSA55.EA030D000-1) which is not configured in the Automation Studio project. This isn’t usually something to worry about because the drive can read the motor’s parameters from the motor itself and so the motor doesn’t need to be in the project.

Are you having any other problems, or is the SDM the only indication of an error?

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@marcusbnr thanks for your detailed information i realized there was a communication error on the acopos 1090 drive and i had to change it.
Once again am grateful for your response.

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