PPC900 using AR system, can I use 128G SSD to store data?

Hello, everyone.
I am using a PPC900 I.C. The I.C. is running the AR system with a 2G CFast card and another 1 128G SSD installed. but I am now reporting the following error after booting the system.

But if I unplug the SSD, AR runs normally at this time. Below is my configuration diagram.

Looking forward to your replies, thanks!

Hello Wenjie,

Might be related to the boot device priority. You can check it out from here B&R Online Help.

If the AR system is loaded to the 2G Cfast, it should be defined as the “1st Boot Device”.



Hi, I’m not sure what is your plan with SSD disk. But if you boot your AR from CFAST, you will not have access to SSD disk from AR, as far as I know. For this usecase you will need hypervisor and configure sharing.

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Thanks for the reply. I found out that it was caused by an AR system installed in the SSD.

Can I install only AR system in SSD. can AR be installed directly into 128G hard disk.

you already have mentioned that some version of ArEmb was installed on SDD disk. :slight_smile:

I found that downloading the AR directly to 128G of memory using AS is not feasible, reporting the following error.


However, it is possible to download the AR to a small capacity memory first, and then realize the whole disk backup & download to a large capacity memory by a third-party tool.

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even if the topic is already closed I want to add some remarks on that, because the memory layout in SDM looks not as good as it should be (a very big RPSHD and a very small RPSHDS could lead to problems, because both partitions store the same data).

About the first installation of AR embedded:
Because an APC/PPC is a BIOS device, there’s no Onboard AR embedded on the system, so the first installation is not possible by USB stick or by online transfer.
So another possibility to setup a SSD is to remove the SSD from the PPC, conncect it with a S-ATA USB adapter to your development notebook, and perform a offline installation from Automation Studio.
When doing so, you can setup the miminum size of the USER partition in the Automation Studio project (this is normally the partition where users store hugh amount of their own data), and the size of the other 3 partitions are calculated in a suitable way that the project itself and online transfer will work like expected.

Unfortunately I don’t have access to a hardware right now to really test it, but I made a offline installation like descibed above with a 256GB SSD (with SSDs greater then 256GB, the offline installation failed with an error, I assume that 256GB is the biggest size supported?).

My test used following setup:

  • 256GB SSD connected via S-ATA USB adapter to my notebook
  • set minimum user partition size to 100GB in AS project
  • performed Offline Installation from AS (this took a while)
  • got a partition layout on the SSD that looked good to me


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Happy that you solved it. Please check @alexander.hefner post as well. Maybe you can do Share Info & Ideas article and collect/summarize your experience from this learning :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much for your detailed reply! I will follow up by actually testing the method to see if it works!

Thank you~ After trying the @alexander.hefner method. I will follow up by sharing my experience.

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that is why we are all in this community. :slight_smile: Looking forward to your article then :slight_smile:

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