I’m having an issue with the QuickStop function in the B&R ACOPOS multi servo drive. When enabling the Control On function in the test tool, the drive triggers a QuickStop error 1011, even though 24V is applied to the Trigger input.
In ini file I have ncACTIV_LO + ncQUICKSTOP on either Trigger1 or Trigger2, (Trigger1 I use for axis1 and Trigger2 for axis2)
The trigger signal is recognized by the acopos because i can see Trigger changing its state from ncOpen to ncClose in Test tool and in SDM.
Interestingly, the same function works fine on another ACOPOS drive, and the axis configuration file is identical for the trigger funtions. I have already upgraded the Runtime from version 5.12 to 5.24, but the issue still persists.
Has anyone encountered this issue before? Could there be additional configuration setting I might have missed?
In your case, Trigger2, active low, used as Quickstop, the values should be:
(Trigger2 is index 4)
The values from the configuration could be overwritten by a ACOPOS parameter table added in the mapping table
Hi Martin,
thank you for your answer,
Yes I am using the ACOPOS parameter table in the nc mapping.
However the issue occurs both when loading the parameters from the table and changing it directly over the Test tool.
When Trigger is set on both axes to Trigger2 it works on both axes but when Trigger on axis 1 is set to Trigger2 it doesn’t work. But status of trigger2 input stays ncOPEN.
The NC trace is just like you have specifed but for Trigger2:
It is quite strange since the same function works on the other ACOPOS.
Yes I am using the ACOPOS parameter table in the nc mapping.
Does the mapping table write to any of the three ParIDs I mentioned above?
If yes, what values to which ParIDs?
However the issue occurs both when loading the parameters from the table and changing it directly over the Test tool.
What exactly comes from the parameter table and what exactly is changed with the Test window?
When Trigger is set on both axes to Trigger2 it works on both axes but when Trigger on axis 1 is set to Trigger2 it doesn’t work. But status of trigger2 input stays ncOPEN.
This does’nt make sense to me. There seems to be some mistake in the text regarding Trigger1 or Trigger2.
The NC trace is just like you have specifed but for Trigger2:
DIG_IN_QUICKSTOP_ENABLE = 00001000 sets Trigger1 as Quickstop.
DIG_IN_QUICKSTOP_ENABLE = 00010000 would set Trigger2 as Quickstop.
Please save the Network command trace and attach it here, and state the node number of the ACOPOS multi drive this is happening on.
In Test window i try to setup the Trigger1 parameter to be ncACTIV_LO+ncQuickstop
to be sure that the parameters from my init table in nc mapping are written correctly to the ACOPOS.
I might have made mistake regarding the DIG_IN_QUICKSTOP_ENABLE as I was not able to place additional picture from NC Trace here.
I am not able to place the NC Trace file directly in here as I am new user. Here is link to the NC Trace, node number is 10 and axis is 1 NodeNumber10Axis1 - Pastebin.com
When I change the digital input parameters via the Test window, from Quickstop = Trigger2 to Quickstop = Trigger1, the values sent to the drive are ok.
Please double check that these ParIDs are not overwritten with different values later in the Network command trace.
If they are not, save a system dump with SDM and send it, together with a detailed problem description to your local support partner for further investigation.