ReadCyclic Data

Hi all,

I am using AS v4.12.95 and mappMotion v5.24

I am using without any problem MC_BR_CyclicProcessParID_AcpAx for reading cyclic axis data (Stall torque, Actual torque,Actual lag, Actual motor tempereture) but i want use TouchProbe function for this axis. TouchProbe gives error.

I think there is a limit for cyclic data reading.
I think limit is 18 byte for each axis.

So what can i do for this situation for example Is it possible to open this limit of 18 bytes?
or is there another method?

Thanks in advance.


the limitation for cyclic read data in one record is 18 bytes/6 parameters, but there can be up to 16 multiplexed records. If there are several records active, a new one is read every mapp Motion task class cycle.
mapp Axis automatically activates additional records when more ParIDs are read cyclically.

MC_BR_CyclicProcessParID_AcpAx allows to set the “RefreshMode” for each ParID,
Be careful with mcACPAX_CYCLIC_EVERY_RECORD, use it only if really necessary.

MC_TouchProbe uses 1 cyclic read parameter and configures it mcACPAX_CYCLIC_EVERY_RECORD.

I think in your case MC_BR_CyclicProcessParID_AcpAx fills up the first record and when MC_TouchProbe is activated it cannot add its parameter to the first record and reports and error.

Try to activate MC_TouchProbe before activating MC_BR_CyclicProcessParID_AcpAx.

P.S.: Reading “Stall torque” is strange, that is a motor parameter and doesn’t change at runtime.


Thank you Martin, I understand the subject.

You are right about stall torque, I think i can use Basic.Info.HardwareInfo.Motor.ModelNumber

regarding using the model number: Unsure how that would relate to the stall torque now.
What you could do is using MC_BR_ProcessParID_AcpAx to read the stall torque once - it won’t change during runtime and thus a one-time read suffices.
If you just wanted to use this parameter for identification of the motor, of course the model number is the better approach.

Best regards